Session Proposal Submission
- Step 1. Introduction
- Step 2. Session Information Form
- Step 3. Agreement & Consent
Submit to Speak at Podcast Movement 2022
If you're interested in speaking at Podcast Movement this August in Dallas, either as a presenter, panel moderator, or session organizer, then you've come to the right place!
Each year, Podcast Movement gets hundreds of submissions from podcasters and professionals worldwide who want to speak at Podcast Movement. With around 75 speaking spots available, it has become competitive; however, because the event features content from a wide array of topics and addresses attendees of many different skill levels, if you submit your unique and excellent idea, you'll have a great shot at being selected.
Sessions will take place on the following days. If you submit, please be available to participate on any of the three days. Selected sessions are assigned their schedule roughly 60 days prior to the event
- Wednesday, August 24
- Thursday, August 25
- Friday, August 26
Please note that the current plan is for all presentations to originate from the stage in Dallas. All speakers, moderators, and panelists will participate in person; there will not be any remote presenters for this event.
What information will I need to submit a session?
- A descriptive, well thought out session title
- description of your session, with takeaways, that those in attendance will leave with
- Your full contact information
- Your bio
- An idea as to what topic track and skill level your session would fit on
- A complete and final list of other participants in your presentation or panel, if any.
How long is each session?
The standard sessions length is 45 minutes, including Q&A time, if you plan on taking questions from the audience after your panel or presentation. Each stage is equipped with a countdown clock, or a room monitor to give you time queues, for you to monitor the time remaining.
What A/V tools will be available to speakers?
Internet access will be available in the session rooms but cannot always be counted on. You must cache any demos that require an Internet connection as a backup. Standard A/V for each session room will consist of an LCD projector, screen, microphone, and a podium or comparable table. Appropriate A/V (e.g., multiple microphones) will be provided to support multi-speaker sessions.
What if I want to submit a panel?
Please have one person, whoever will moderate or lead the panel, submit the proposal. Please make sure to get consent and permission from any panelists you are proposing to include in the presentation, before adding them.
It is OK to submit a panel topic that you would like to moderate without a complete list of panelists, but any panelists you do include must already have confirmed with you they will be at Podcast Movement if chosen.
What is the timeline for submissions, and being informed about selections?
We will close this form in May 2022, and our goal is to inform all submitters of the decision to accept or decline their submission by the end of May.
What if I get selected but I bought a ticket?
All selected participants for Podcast Movement will receive an All-Access Speaker Pass to the event. If you've already registered, we will send you a full refund
What compensation and expenses are covered for speakers?
All selected participants for Podcast Movement will receive an All-Access Speaker Pass to the event. Podcast Movement also provides all speakers access to a Ready Room with drinks throughout the three conference days.
If you have any questions, please contact us via email: